Awaken the Spirit


We all know that juxtaposed feeling of being called to do so much, to complete the tasks, to buy the presents… all the while feeling the call within our hearts to “winter”. 

This season of the year – complete with the shorter days and longer nights – asks us to slow down. It asks us to reflect on the year past, to adopt an ease of movement and to embrace the things that bring us comfort. To bring in the hot chocolate and board games. To get out the cozy pajamas and extend our time reading or lounging. Even in our generally sunny and warmer environment of Southern California, we still feel the call to slow down and honor the season that is upon us. 

We know where this leads us! We have all felt it and are likely feeling it now – overwhelm. We get lost in the tasks that pile so high during this season when our souls are calling for less. This dissonance is a truth of this time of year that can be hard to hold and move through. Whether you have completed all your shopping and are still feeling stressed (like me currently!) or you are staring down the mountain of things that need to get done, you need some coping strategies to help guide you through this time. 

Here are some tips and tricks for reducing holiday stress:

  • Reprioritize – For Real! – One of the things we talk about in circles is the skill of categorizing what is a “must have”, what is a “nice to have”, and what is on the “let go” list. Try making a column for each of these headings and write down as many things as come to mind. Once complete, circle your top three priorities in each column. Reflect on how you can focus on things that are top of your priority list, and what you can choose to let go of. 


  • Make Sure You Don’t Get Lost – So much of our calling this month is taking care of other people. Creating the holiday magic and getting the gifts. Make sure that your own self care does not get lost in the mix. Remember that priority list we talked about? You deserve to be top of list! It can be hard, but I want you to ask yourself, “what have I done for myself today?” If you can’t find an answer to that questions, I want you to schedule in five minutes of “you time” right now. Because everyone wants you to be happy, as you want them to be! 


  • Say It Out Loud – There is so much power in acknowledging our (very valid!) experiences in this world. The first step in change is acknowledging what is true. So say it out loud to yourself: “This feels hard” – “I am overwhelmed today” – “I need more help than I am getting”. Whatever your truth is, I guarantee that you can only create change, whether that be in your actual to do list or in your emotional self  – if you acknowledge what is true for you first. 


  • Remember This Truth – If you have sat in circle with me, you have probably heard me say (preach?) to you that rest is productive. Like a garden, we are not meant to flower all hours of each day. We need rest to survive and most importantly, rest does not need to be earned! Remind yourself of this very important truth as we round into the holidays. 


  • Take Care of Your Body – We know that stress affects sleep and wellness, and we know that this time is when we need the most restful sleep of all – so we can be productive when we have the time to be! This is the time to lean into those healthy sleep habits that we know and love. Decrease the before bed screen time. Get movement throughout the day. Bring in those meditations and mindfulness practices. We may feel the pull to doom scrolling to help detach from the stress, but I promise your body will enjoy a good night of sleep more. 


And if you want to be on point with your self care game, our next women’ retreat is open for registration! You can find out more here: Grow & Gather Women’s Retreat

Despite how the stress of the holiday season plays out for you, please know this: we see you. We see you in all that you do and all the ways you show love to others. We bring in the gentle reminder to center yourself first, so that you may give to others when your own cup is overflowing. You deserve to enjoy this time too. You deserve to honor the call of the season in whatever way that manifests for you. 

So take that deep breath in…. And out… 


With love, 

April & Lena