Women's Healing Moon Circles

Gathering in Pasadena, CA

Join Moon Circles

A Collaboration with Village Birth in Pasadena, CA

If you are looking for a way to build community while also honoring nature’s rhythym, then our moon circles are for you! In collaboration with Village Birth, our moon circles are open to all (not just moms!) and present a wonderful night of slowing down and connecting to ourselves.

Healing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath to help cocoon you through your current phase.

Beautiful women’s circle offering guided discussion and journaling prompts. 

Practices to honor the phases of the moon, such as fire release ceremonies and somatic movement. 

Candles scattered around in circle formation on the floor with women sitting around

Women's Healing Circle: Power of the Moon

Discover the Magic of Lunar Cycles

Moon Circles are more than just gatherings; they are transformative experiences aligned with the natural rhythms of the moon. Held during the new and full moons, these circles offer a unique opportunity to connect deeply with the cycles of nature and your inner self. 

Full Moon Reflections

The full moon is perfect for reflection and release. During this phase, we come together to acknowledge our journey, release what no longer serves us, and gain clarity. Experience the calming power of sound baths and other rituals designed to help you let go and embrace new possibilities.

Inclusive and Nurturing

Whether you’re new to lunar practices or a seasoned participant, our Moon Circles are open to everyone. Participation is optional—engage in the practices that resonate with you or simply come to observe and be present. No previous experience is required; just an open heart and a willingness to connect.

Join Us

Tap into the earth, the cosmos, and your true self in a space that welcomes you as you are. Our Moon Circles offer a beautiful blend of community, ritual, and personal growth, designed to help you align with the natural world and your inner wisdom.

Three women meditating together in a yoga circle
Female teacher playing a sound bowl